Monday, July 12, 2010

This is a representation of a tree. The decal is in great detail of the outline of the tree. This creates a sense of realism in the room. It helps the room have a forest-like effect. The shape of the tree has no relation to it's function, which creates a sentimental effect. To the viewer this representation evokes a relationship to the tree and more seriousness. This decal is sharply edged and looks life-like.

This is an abstract picture of a tree. We can see that the decal holds structural similiarity to that of a tree. It highlights the basic outline and then adds it's own personal flair. This picture is more representational and specific to the abstraction. The viewer understands the abstract form is a tree, yet enjoys the playfulness and warmth of the curved edges and circular swirls. This abstraction creates modern, sleek, yet playful mood.

The picture above is a symbol for the tree of life. This depicts a celtic meaning or belief behind the symbol.This is the type of symbol that must be learned, it is not clearly communicated through it's icon. This symbol denotes a tree form connected to a circle. The circle representing the circle of life, with the tree centered. Once the meaning behind the symbol is understood the design becomes understandable. The viewer finds themselves understanding the power of the symbol after it is denoted.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

BLOG Exercise - Contrast

These are screenshots from a game called Bioshock 2. Bioshock is a perfect example of a successful video game design. It not only embodies the use of the basic use of contrast but also the more complex. Bioshock uses a variety of polarities to create a harmonious beautifully done video game. The shift between light and dark, sharpness and diffusion, innocent looking little girls to zombies creates a very intricate story line and catches the players attention. The First photo evokes the feeling of the Pop-out effect, why does this little girl have a weapon? The irony creates curiosity and provokes the user to learn more. The game also uses extreme contrasts in light.

To me, this is a very bland design for a video game. Even though the game's purpose was to re-create the Olympics the overall design and appeal could have been more exciting. This game is a realistic account of the Olympics which fails to create a sense of design. Contextually, there is design considered, but not of artistic/flow/purpose. There is no tricky lighting, abnormal or surreal characters (which is not neccesarily needed, just encouraged for interest), colors, tone, etc. All design principles of contrast all fall in the MIDDLE of the polarities. There is nothing that stands out or creates interest. The colors all follow the same pattern, as well as the shapes, and consistency.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Movement/Motion BLOG Exercise

Fable II Navigation:


Fable II is a good example of navigation design with the user. The game plays with the use of simulated motion in order to create life-like interactions. They have motion such as object collisions and play with the use of gravity. It also uses information visualization so that the user has no need to compute movement, it puts you in the users shoes. I think the designer of this game came across the problem of creating realistic information visualizations. The designer had to ensure that the user felt more connected to the character rather than independent. They accomplish by using real-life motion cues that we experience in everyday life. For example, if your character is running through a city and bumps into another character, the two bounce back from eachother using life-like force physics. Also, on a more abstract level, decisions being made by the user will effect environment and game changes which work in a butterfly-like effect. The navigation in the abstract effect demonstrates another form of motion that is more emotional than physical.

Pandora Navigation:

This website show's navigation cleverly by having pop-out windows and a rolling screen of choices of music. I like how this website's motion is a key factor for the use by the user. I think the biggest obstacle for this designer was the ability to create a flowing and visually appealing way of playing and picking music. It reminds me of the old juke-boxes at the creamery's that would rotate CD's to pick from, I think this must of been their concept. The user in this case employs "agency", their actions create a specific result. It helps the user to visualize that they are actually effecting the movement of something while they navigate. In this case, they simulate a rolling pattern to evoke the feeling of turning or rotating.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Here is a screenshot from the game Fable 2 produced by Lionhead Studios. Peter Molyneux, a genius game designer places a strong emphasis on the realism of his games. The attention to detail is great in this game. Not only do they place many depth cues but they also add details like shadows and lighting that make the game very realistic. The game uses a lot of texture gradient, for example we have it here in the wood as well as the water. Also the buildings in the background get lighter as they reach further back. The game also uses linear perspective with the buildings and the player has the option to "see through the character's shoes" which only intensifies the feeling of "being" the character. They also use relative size, and since it is in a 3D world the player is level with the ground acting as a depth cue for enemies and other characters. This game also has plenty of flow patterns into other portals or areas of the game. Flow patterns, are used in many different video games to enter in other parts of the map of the game.

Tone, in this example, is the effect of the water falling down the conch sink. The tone starts off light at the top of the spout and gets darker as it works its way to the drain. This sink is interesting, because it plays on the use of tonal range using depth and basic elements. The closest basic element to tone for this context would be texture. This sink is designed with rivets around the conch shell to create a flowing visual effect for the water and to also show depth. The rivets start out long at the top and get smaller towards the bottom. I picked this piece because it was cleverly designed and makes the user feel as if they are using a sink from a fossil. The sink almost creates a 3D effect the way the light hits it. The color of the sink is a dark sea foam green. There is black in this color, probably because it does not want to take away from the design/shape of the sink. This sink does not need any bright colors, the sink even if were gray would still stay interesting to the viewer. The color does not use any harmonic relationships since it is only one color. I would say the basic element related to the sinks color would be lines. The lines used in this design create color depths for the viewer to look at. The rivets, create different scales of the initial color to keep the viewer interested.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ex 9 - BLOG / Basic Elements / MMORPG Game Design

Texture, seen in The World of Warcraft MMORPG game, is crucial for the game's environment to exist. All of the 3D objects have been created by 2D textures that create the environment like the landscape, buildings, and characters. For a 3D game, it is imperative that the game has texture otherwise the objects will look flat and it will resemble a 2D nature. Texture also creates depth in the game so that the user will be able to differentiate what is close/far. For example, in this picture we have trees and a small well in the background to create depth. The texture is what creates the 3D objects to look realistic and moveable. The texture (and shape) defines the body movement of the character.

The line, is the next important basic element in game design. The line is used as an indicator for progression in the form of text. Text, in the World of Warcraft especially, is used to constantly throughout the game to talk to other players, read quests, and for functioning the character. The MMORPG community is powered by communication between players which is in text. Also, for computer programmers, text is used to create the game for it to function as a whole. The programming is how the game exists, so it is obviously the most important factor in game design, otherwise, there would be no game.
Also the line builds off of points and dots to define surface and 3D graphics. The line is a crucial tool in the building of the game to create various objects. The line used along with a series of vectors and dots creates 3D objects. Sketching with the use of lines is also crucial for developing game concepts and objects to the game. Also, lines show structure in Gameplay, the lines of buildings and creatures helps define the environment. The structure also helps in the mimickry of the real world. Although, tw0-dimensional in nature (which is contradictory to a 3D game) , the line is a helpful tool for the game development and gameplay.

Movement, is what defines the game to exist. The whole game is based off of movement. It frames the motion of the character, frame by frame. When all is put together it creates a visual movment. Movement also directs the eye to look for certain parts of gameplay. The game designer in, The World of Warcraft has the camera follow the character in order to direct it's vision to the environment ahead. Game developers try to mimic movement in the real world to create a sense of reality for the player. Especially true of MMORPG, the reality of the game helps the user to feel more connected.

Blog 6

This photo is displaying a family gathering. It is represents an event, Indian that involves wearing colorful beaded outfits. The three women represent a relationship, perhaps family. Since this is a family photo the subjects are close together facing the camera. Since this is an Indian function the subjects are all dressed in colorful indian garb. All subjects are smiling since it is a joyous event. Make-up is on all subjects as well.