Monday, June 14, 2010

Ex2 Feature Hierarchy in Visual Searches BLOG Exercise

This is New York City subway map.

The colors from the transit lines are very bold against the nuetral background color. Also the shape of the New York is comprised of many shape edges like the lines of the subway which makes the map easier to look at than if it had many jagged edges. All of the names are outlined in black to be easily read. All of the transit lines parallel to eachother are similiar in color to possibly outline the similiar directions the lines go in. All other transit lines are very bold against eachother. The background of the transit lines are also very nuetral colors of light turqoise and light gray which helps the bold colors attract attention.

This remote control is from a massage chair.

The areas which seem to stand out the most would be the lower half of the control, which has the STIFFNESS, RELAX, RECOVERY, FINE, and ON/OFF buttons. These seem to be stragically placed and large due to their quick acting functions. The sleek curve at the bottom and raise of the lower half of the control signifies the importance of these main controls. Some other things I noticed was the SOLE WARMER button being a red color which evokes a warm feeling. All of the upper body controls are highlighted in a sea foam green categorizing the buttons as a single function for the massage chair. Also all the higher/lower adjustments regardless of their function are identical in color and triangle shape. The overall layout of the remote is not entirely flowing, the contrasting colors of black and white cut block out different sections and the different colors of the buttons is related to a function, not a color scheme. This remote was obviously designed for the use of practicality and less for design, however, many design elements are used for the ease of using this remote.

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